What I Ate Wednesday No.27

Yep, it’s that time of the week again, it’s WIAW everyone! So a huge thank you to the fabulous Jenn over at Peas and Crayons, you are brilliant for creating this (she’s also pretty brilliant anyway!)

This morning I had a 9am lecture (my favourite one of the week – modern lit) so breakfast had to be easy and quick. I’m afraid it’s not very photogenic but I’m including it anyway… Sorry I’m not sorry 😛

Weetabix (of course), raw oats and frozen strawberries. Is it strange that I eat weetabix at least once a day and it’s the breakfast I used to have as a small child?

Not that I really care, lots of what I do is a bit bizarre to most people anyway!

I love my Wednesday morning lecture, it’s pretty much always really interesting and I usually manage upwards of six sides of notes. I love my fountain pen, it keeps my writing fairly presentable even when I’m scrawling away at top speed. Having said that, I’m not a very quick writer. Does anyone at uni (or who went to uni) find that you end up leaving gaps in your notes where the lecturer went to quickly so you have to go through the slides later and fill in the bits you missed?

Please say it’s not just me…

Lunch was quick and easy as well:

Arrabiata tortelloni with a tiny drizzle of olive oil and plenty of Parmesan.

Most of my afternoon was spent in the Cafe Nero near campus chatting, reading and working with my lovely friend Kathryn 🙂 I’m her ‘civilised’ friend (i.e. I don’t go out drinking like all of her other friends!) and we always have great conversations. We pretty much talk about anything and everything, from trashy gossip through to current affairs and ethics. Plus she’s a big fan of cafes and tea rooms like me so it’s lovely to have someone to drink coffee with.

I got what they call a ‘Caramelatte’ but with skimmed milk and no whipped cream. Essentially coffee and sugar really 😉

I know what you’re thinking, where are all of the veg? After all it is WIAW Love Your Veggies Month!

Well don’t worry, I ate a whole carrot (not chopped, just peeled) whilst doing my seminar prep. Yes I looked a bit crazy and like I’m on some sort of diet. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately for you lot) there is no photographic evidence of me nibbling chomping on the carrot.

Dinner was also a vegetable affair:


Covent Garden tomato and basil soup. Delish! (Sorry I forgot to take a photo!)

Although I’ve had my veg, frozen strawberries and an (unpictured) banana I feel like I’ve had A LOT of sugar. I watch what I eat and make mostly healthy choices but the one area that I tend to fall down in is sugar. I have decided that for the next couple of weeks I’m going to make a big effort to eat less of the stuff. Especially in its processed form, I don’t really mind if it’s just from fruit.

So there you have my, sort of, veggie WIAW 🙂

What did you have for breakfast as a small child?
Do you still eat some of your childhood foods?
What’s the best thing you’ve eaten so far this week?

p.s. If you enjoy listening to singing or just general music, here is (warning: I’m about to gush) the link to my wonderful boyfriend’s barbershop group FourTune singing Bring Him Home from Les Miserables. He is singing the lead and they all did a brilliant job. I’m majorly proud of Tom so I’d love it if you had a listen, and maybe even subscribe or like their facebook group 😀

(Sorry for the shameless plugging! :-P)


  1. That soup sounds amazing! 🙂
    When I was little, I would have corn flakes every single morning for breakfast…then I went though a poptart phase, but it got really old really fast haha
    Happy WIAW Sophie!

  2. I pretty much eat the same breakfasts today as I did in my childhood – oats, cereals, eggs and bread. I’ve just gotten a bit more crazy on the oat front 😛

    That soup looks delicious. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. I almost never have eggs for breakfast, I might start having soft-boiled egg and soldiers for breakfast on days when I don’t have to wake up early!

      Thank you, hope you’re having a great weekend 🙂

  3. My lecture notes are hilarious, I get mid way through a sentence, lose track, and draw a dog or something. I tend to print the slides out now and take them with me and add to them, and if they aren’t up beforehand my lecture notes are so half arsed I have to re-write them again. I’d probably save loads of time if I stopped getting distracted by twitter mid way through ……

    We used to have ready brek or weetabix when we were little so yep still eat them! I still eat a lot of meals my mum cooked when we were kids too, they are so comforting.

    Sugar is like crack isn’t it 😦 I’m in the middle of a massive sugar cycle living from one daim bar to the next. I really do understand why people put on weight at uni, it’s very easy to grab a chocolate bar whilst in the library without thinking about it! good luck with kicking it, my housemate and I did three days sugar free (like no processed stuff) and felt a lot better for it!

    1. Haha I don’t really doodle on mine because I love to have them really neat 😛 It sounds like it’s a good thing that I don’t have a smart phone, I’d definitely get distracted then!

      Aw that’s sweet, my mum still makes me the meals that she made years ago, I love food that brings back memories 🙂

      Oh tell me about it! When I’m complete drained and don’t have the energy to cook at all it often ends up being something sugary which never makes me feel good 😦 I’ve not done that at all this term so far though 🙂

  4. I think it’s cute that you still eat the same bfast you ate as a kid! How is that eating frozen strawberries? I get all meh about eating frozen things, I think it’s a texture issue?
    That Cafe Nero drink looks FABB, I’m a coffee/tea house addict too!

  5. ahhhh soups….love them. I don’t remember eating anything that crazy as a kid. My mom worked shift work FT at the hospital and we always ate fast convenient foods.

    ALSO – for whatever reason your comments keep getting makred as spam 😦 so that’s why I haven’t responded to many….I just got a lot of them

  6. I love tomato soup!! Yours sounds delicious.

    I have always loved eating cereal as a kid, but my cereal preferences changes once I get older though.

  7. I am a really slow writer, so when I was at uni I had to find my own sort of short-hand otherwise I just couldn’t keep up. I’m actually a bit obsessive about my handwriting, which is why I’m so slow – I hate my handwriting to be messy and take a lot of pride in it, even just when I’m writing notes.
    I used to have all sorts of sugary cereals for breakfast when I was younger – Golden Grahams were a particular favourite.

    1. Yes definitely with you there, I hate my handwriting to be messy!! I always take pride in my work, it’s always carefully laid out and neat 🙂

      Oh I’ve never had that, it sounds pretty tasty!

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