16 and Beautiful.

Today is a special day.

She doesn’t even think of it as special, she doesn’t really care about birthdays, she doesn’t want a big fuss made.

But I can’t let the day go past without wishing the girl who is the most beautiful inside and outside that I have ever met.


So, Happy Birthday to my baby sister, Alice!


This Β gorgeous girl:


She might not see her birthday as a big deal but for me it is such an important day.

It is the day that my best friend was born.

The day that the most special sister came into the world and made my life what it is today.

Alice, I would have been very lonely had you not been born, 16 years ago today. You are always there for me, I know that no matter what time of the night it is, if I’m depressed or really ill, I can call you Β (or more likely, chat with you on facebook :-P).

My life has been enriched by your being in it more than I can say!

So today, I celebrate the birth of my little sister, all those years ago. A beautiful, talented, funny, witty, kindhearted girl and my best friend for the last 16 years.

Happy birthday you gorgeous girl, I hope you are having a fantastic day πŸ™‚

p.s. It’s my birthday in a week! πŸ˜‰


  1. What a sweet post, makes me wish I had a sister! Since most sister stories aren’t nearly so nice, haha. I hope she has something equally nice planned for you in a week!

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