What I Ate Wednesday No.32 Bullet Style!

Hey lovelies!

How’s the week progressing for you?

It’s that time of the week again, WIAW! Thanks as always to the lovely Jenn for having created this link-up 🙂 If you’re new to the scene go check out her blog, her food looks so fantastic today.

  • My week has been super productive which is great (although starting to catch up with me a little)…
  •  Monday, as you already know, I finished my last full essay of the year. It felt SO good to have that weight taken off my shoulders. In the last six weeks I have written over 12,000 words!
  • Tuesday I finished off the little bits of work I had left and formatted everything. Let me tell you, formatting the essays is the worst part. It all has to be laid out in a specific way and the bibliography always takes ages to put together. I also dragged myself out and went over to Pilates for an hour and a half. My body needed a good stretch out.
  • Today I was up a little earlier than usual and headed out to the gym after a nice phone call from Tom 🙂 I’ve also handed in all of my essays for the year! Now just 4 exams to do in the next 3 weeks and I’ll be done. I can see the light at the end of it all and I really cannot wait for the summer. Bring on 3 months of holidays 😀

  • Breakfast: As usual a bowl of weetabix turned to mush with frozen raspberries. I love the freshness they add to my morning, the little bursts of cold wake me up.

  • This is an old favourite, I used to have a wholemeal English muffin with mushrooms and garlic for lunch regularly in my first term but then kind of stopped. I’m glad I started again. Mushrooms and garlic are good.
  • I took a study break with my two favourite girls, Kathryn and Chloe, and we stopped by at my favourite cafe = three favourites makes for a fabulous afternoon.
  • I got what they call the ‘ultimate hot chocolate’ and I didn’t even realise it came with a mini brownie and a bowl of marshmallows. It was pretty sensational, not gonna lie. It was lovely to catch up and relax for a couple of hours without thinking about exams at all. I love those two (hey if you’re reading!) 🙂

  • I wasn’t massively hungry after my epic hot chocolate but I had some cooked quinoa to use up so I pan-fried some courgette and garlic and stirred in the quinoa. Can you tell that I’m going through a garlic phase? Although to be honest, I always love garlic.
  • I love productive days, you always just feel so positive at the end of them. I have so much to learn and memorize in the next three weeks but then I’m free. I’m going up to visit Tom for a couple of weeks which will be bliss. It’s that thought that is keeping me going!

Have you had a productive day/week?
What’s your favourite thing to do with friends for a catch-up session?

Has any amazing food recently?


  1. Let’s hear it for being done for the summer! And oh yeaaah, sauteed mushrooms are so good, and even better with just a hint of garlic! Great topper for pasta, too. And my best friend is coming over to catch up these eve–we’re going to make some dinner, go out for froyo, chat, and then read for a bit (if we get tired of talking…which isn’t likely!).

  2. Wow you have been busy lately. It must feel so good to get that last essay out the way 🙂 Not long now till you finish! You’ll feel such a sense of achievement when it’s over… especially if you’ve put lots of hard effort in (and it sounds like you have already!)
    Those muffins look absolutely delicious! I haven’t had English muffins for years but, inspired by your georgeous pics, I’m going to buy some in for the weekend. A mushroom & garlic topping is definitely the way to go!
    Enjoy the rest of your week xx

  3. Well goodness Sophie you have been busy, but it must feel pretty fantastic to be finishing things up, good for you pretty lady 🙂 I like the idea of your lunch, garlic anything is a-okay with me and with the mushrooms sounds yummy… I will just need some gum nearby for after haha
    I am going out tonight for sushi with a friend, can’t wait for that and to chat about whatevaaa

    1. Thank you Tessa! It does feel pretty good, now just have to get these horrible exams out of the way… Haha yes it does produce a need for gum 😉 Oh that sounds lovely, I hope you had a great time!

  4. YAY for being finished with your essays! How fabulous!! 🙂 You sure have been busy too, but i love how you manage to whip up such delicious eats despite that!
    Have a great rest of your day, lovely!

  5. Well done for surving essay doom. I feel you on that front! 4 exams in 3 weeks isn’t too bad either…certainly better than the 8 in 2 weeks that some of us have. (!) It’ll fly by in no time and then you’ll have finished! Hopefully Summer brings some nice weather for you to enjoy! 🙂

    I think I need to visit whichever cafe it is that you go to for that hot chocolate! It looks incredible! Glad you took a break to enjoy yourself, it’s definitely important to relax and restock on chocolate once in a while I think! 🙂

    1. Thank you 🙂 Oh gosh that sounds so stressful, good luck with all of those!!

      Haha come visit me, we’ll have huge hot chocolates and enjoy exam freedom 🙂 Hope you’re doing okay Jessica!

  6. YUM – I want that hot chocolate. and the mushrooms garlic on english muffins!!!!!!! I am totally going to try that. I am also a cheese lover though, so maybe I’d melt some swiss cheese on top too!

  7. Wow, that hot chocolate looks divine! I love garlic, too, but hate how they make my hands smell like it for a couple days haha. Sounds like you had a productive week! I have, too. Job hunting, exams, and getting ready to graduate! 🙂

  8. Ahh it must feel amaaazing to have offloaded some of those big essays, I just handed a big psychology one in today and it felt pretty awesome! But I’d have to agree with you – the formatting is SO specific, and the referencing at the end takes forever.. ugh :\

    I’ve had a pretty productive week too, it’s nice to have a few assessments out of the way!

    And your eats look delicious Sophie, I LOVE mushrooms and garlic too, and I love the sound of your quinoa and courgette dinner. Something I might try tonight actually 🙂

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